

NOLL/SOLL is an all-volunteer organization under the umbrella of the national Little League organization. As the underlying philosophy of Little League is volunteer-based, NOLL/SOLL has no paid staff. Instead, we expect that all families will make their best effort to participate in volunteer activities, and those efforts will fulfill 100% of the needs of NOLL/SOLL. NOLL/SOLL provides a range of opportunities for all families; every single family has something to contribute and may have differing abilities of time and energy to commit.
Each team manager and team coach will contribute over 100 hours of their time. The NOLL/SOLL volunteer system is based on the expectation that each family will, on average, contribute approximately 20 hours of time throughout the season. Please consider the importance of your own contribution supporting the extraordinary time and effort that the coaches dedicate to the players.

At the competitive levels (AA and higher), teams must complete a minimum level of volunteer service to be eligible for playoffs. At all levels, teams with exceptional volunteer service will be rewarded.

Record Keeping

Once you have completed a job, you must inform your Team General Manager who will track your service. If you have multiple children in the league, you may choose which team your service applies to.

The following document describes the volunteer point system in detail.
Questions can be sent to volunteers@nollsoll.com

Click here for a complete list of jobs, point values and other details

Field Prep outline can be found in our Field Prep Handout.