Registration Information

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NOLL/SOLL is a nonprofit, all volunteer-run organization. That’s why when you sign your children up for Little League, our expectation is that you will:

  • Pay our minimum registration fee, which we try to keep low to allow as many kids as possible to participate.
  • Volunteer for at least one league-level activity in addition to any required activities for your individual team.
  • Participate in team-level fundraising

NOLL/SOLL has a Spring season that runs February through June, and a much smaller Fall season that runs September through November. Our Spring season registration starts in October and runs through mid-December (through early January for younger divisions). You can reach our registration website linked below which will list available divisions if we are in a registration period. Sign up for our mailing list to be notified when registration opens.


NOLL/SOLL strives to keep our fees low, in order to allow as many kids as possible to participate. That said, we must pay for equipment, field maintenance and fees, uniforms, and more each and every year. We offer an early bird discount, and families with 2 or more children will receive a sibling discount. Families who find a financial commitment to be a hardship can apply for a scholarship online or contact us via email.

  • TBallers pay $225
  • Farm/Minors/Majors/Intermediate/Juniors players pay $275
  • Seniors players will pay $200

Volunteer Commitment

North Oakland/South Oakland Little League is self-sustaining. NOLL/SOLL receives no public funds, and our registration funds only cover half our annual operating costs. Accordingly, everything needed for the program, from clerical assistance to field preparation to umpiring, must be achieved with volunteer help.

Please read and understand our volunteer requirements:

  1. Pre-Season Field Work Days: Each division will have a mandatory work day in lieu of practices one weekend in the pre-season, and all families are expected to help out
  2. Game Day Jobs: The kids cannot play unless the grown ups take care of the following jobs every single game: coach, umpire, field prep/clean-up, safety coordinator. All families are expected to take on one of these jobs.
  3. League Leadership: NOLL/SOLL is not just baseball games; we procure and maintain fields and equipment, we have tryouts and drafts, we run community events (Opening Day, A’s Night, etc) and we raise funds to augment the money we raise thru registration. Each of these items needs leadership at the Board and team level.

You will be required to sign up for a game-day job once your team has formed; each team will be required to provide league leaders as well. If you have questions about your ability to fill a role, please contact us at prior to registering.

ALL families whose teams play in the post-season are expected to help with tournament hosting duties, including tournament directing, field prep/clean-up, scoring, announcing, and snack bar operations.


If you are interested in coaching, please register to be a coach after you register your player (there is a link within Sportability, below). At the Farm levels, we generally group several interested coaches to each team so that practice and game responsibilities can be divided easily. At the competitive levels, each team has a head coach and up to 2 assistants. There is no fee to register as a coach. Coaching does cover your volunteer commitment, although there is no fee discount for your player’s registration. NOLL/SOLL will provide team equipment and offers several training clinics on how to run an effective practice, substitution rotations, baseball skills, etc.

Please note: there is no tenure for coaches; coaching a team last year is no guarantee that you will be offered a spot this year. Coach applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and we take into account prior years’ evaluations, the number of spots available, criminal background check, etc.

Age and Residency Verification

All NOLL/SOLL participants (new and returning) need to provide proof of age and residence BEFORE their registrations are considered complete. Please begin by completing the online registration process. There will be a mandatory parents’ meeting in January or February each season. To establish age you must bring a copy of the participant’s birth certificate to the try outs; to establish residency you must bring a valid driver’s license or recent phone bill.
Little League ages are calculated as of August 31 of the current year. Use the calculator or chart on the Little League website to determine your child’s age.

Refund Policy

Once an applicant is placed on a team, there is no refund allowed. Any refunds issued before team placement will be less a $10 processing fee.


The boundaries from which we can select players are set and approved by National Little League in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Players who reside south of Virginia Street in Berkeley or anywhere in Piedmont, Emeryville or Oakland are eligible to play in our leagues. At the competitive age groups (AA and above), players will be split into NOLL and SOLL based on residency.
Berkeley residents who live North of Virginia Street must register with Albany Little League ( In 2014, Little League changed their boundary requirements to add an exception for players attending a school within another league boundary. You can read about the new rules at the Little League website. This means that for example if you live in San Leandro, but attend school within a NOLL/SOLL boundary, you can inform us that you want to play in NOLL/SOLL and fill out the school registration from to join one of our leagues.
There will be NO EXCEPTIONS with regards to boundary violations. If you register and are not within the NOLL/SOLL boundaries, there will be a $75 processing fee withheld from any refund request.

Registration Website

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